Custom GPTs


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What Is A Custom GPT? (Beginner's Guide)

December 2, 2023
tips, templates, gpts

OpenAI introduces 'GPTs' (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) that are specially tailored to suit distinct needs. These Custom GPTs are essentially modified versions of the familiar ChatGPT but built for particular tasks.

They are intended to aid individuals in their daily activities, whether it be professional tasks, educational support, or leisurely pursuits, offering a level of specificity that was previously unattainable in AI chatbots. Imagine an AI that doesn’t just understand language but also expresses expertise in teaching, gaming, or creative designing according to your desires.

How To Make Your Own GPT (Step-by-step)

  1. Log into ChatGPT (you'll need a Plus account) then click into the 'Explore' tab.
  2. Select 'Create A GPT'.
  3. Engage in an initial conversation to define your Custom GPT's purpose and tasks.
  4. Feed the GPT with detailed instructions and any additional information it might need.
  5. Configure any specific details, edit the name and instructions or toggle on or off capabilities like 'Code Interpreter', 'DALL-E Image generation' and 'Data Retrieval'.
  6. Upload any background knowledge files to inform your custom GPT.
  7. Test it out! When ready, click save, and select 'Public' if you'd like to share your custom GPT with the world via the GPT store.

OpenAI's Custom Instructions feature, introduced in July, initially gave users some customization options. Now, with GPTs, the customization process has become seamless and user-oriented.

Custom GPT Ideas

  • Educational Helpers: GPTs that assist in teaching various subjects or providing academic support.
  • Coaching Companions: GPTs designed to offer training programs, motivational advice, or track performance.
  • Business Task Automators: GPTs that handle customer service, manage scheduling, or facilitate operations.
  • Creative Aids: GPTs that help in artistic creation such as designing graphics or curating content.
  • Recreational Guides: GPTs that can explain game rules, plan travel, or act as a personal shopper.

Pros and Cons of Custom GPTs


  • Highly personalized to match specific usage scenarios and requirements.
  • No programming knowledge required to create a tailored GPT.
  • Capability for GPTs to be published and shared, expanding their reach and impact.
  • Integration with third-party APIs and databases to gain real-world functionality.
  • Potential revenue generation based on the popularity and usage of a GPT.


  • Necessitates thorough monitoring to prevent and rectify possible misuse or harmful implementations.
  • Quality and effectiveness are contingent on the clarity and completeness of user-provided instructions.
  • Users may have concerns about data privacy and how their inputs are utilized and shared.
  • Current technological limits can restrict the capabilities of GPTs in some domains.
  • Continual maintenance and improvements are needed to keep GPTs accurate and up-to-date.

Try it out for yourself. And if you'd like a more detailed guide or more inspiration for how to go about creating your own custom GPTs, you'll want to take a look through our deep dive Blueprints.